The World
“This is a work of fiction. Any similarity to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events, is purely coincidental.”
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“This is a work of fiction. Any similarity to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events, is purely coincidental.”
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Arcadia is an original fantasy world. Any similarity to actual persons, places, or other works of fiction is incidental to the creative process.
The name "Arcadia" is originates from the ancient Greek province (Αρκαδία). It represents a number of things, but primarily a vision of a people living in harmony with nature. (Read more on your friendly neighborhood Wikipedia page.)
The history of the continent, and the fabled "Far North".
Twelve races, each unique in its culture and characteristics.
The Adventurer's Guild, the nation of Haven, and the eleven other nations of Arcadia.
The first thing you should know is that the Twelve Races of Arcadia are each based on an animal: rabbits, donkeys, boars, canines, felines, dragons, etc. This outlaws said animals from existing in the world, so dogs and cats unfortunately don't exist.
This leaves plenty of fantastical animals in existence, like griffins, wyverns, slimes, mammoths, giant insects, bugbears, even regular bears... but at the top of the pecking order are birds. So, you can find all kinds of birds, such as the domesticated moa, which serves as a common mount and pack animal.
But occasionally, a strange creature or otherworldly being may wander into the realm from who knows where.
The world is a fantasy world. Magic does exist, in three elements -- water, fire, wind -- that make up a type of matter called aether. Physical matter is considered 'earth'. Magic and science are opposite sides of the same coin, with its basic principles and techniques grounded in nature and mathematics... with a certain mystical side to it.
Lastly, the Far North is the name for the semi-mythical land across the northern seas. The peoples of Arcadia were said to have migrated from there in the dawn of prehistory.
A Guild that was founded in the newly-established nation of Haven. Its main purpose is to provide a central hub for freelancers of all sorts, such as mercenaries, explorers, and scholars. Nowadays, it provides job postings, alerts, and exclusive news. Its main headquarters is in Haven, but it also has branches in every capital city in Arcadia.
You, the player, are also an Adventurer.