
"I used to be an adventurer like you. But then I took an arrow into the knee." ― some Guard, Skyrim

The Protagonist

Your Protagonist NFT links to a character save file stored in the bot. Each Protag can be referred to in a number of ways (usually noted as the protag field):

  • Race (e.g. elf): The Protag's race. (In case of duplicates, it will refer to the highest level.)

  • Name (e.g. Finn): The Protag's name, assigned by the user.

  • ASA ID (e.g. 310846749): The Protag's ASA ID.



Each Protag belongs to one of the 12 races of Arcadia. The races are created equal, but not the same, as they have different stats and scenarios in which they excel. (See the Stats tab for information on individual stats.)

Note that Unique Protagonists and Collab pieces have their own stats.

Bot Commands

  • party - View all Protagonists in your wallet.

  • setdefault <protag> - Sets a default Protagonist. (Used for several commands.)

  • rename <protag> <name> - Names your Protag. (Multi-word requires "quotation marks".)

  • protag [protag] - Checks your Protag's status window. (Leave blank for default.)

  • train [protag] - Trains a particular Protag daily using CP and granting 15 XP.

Misc Commands:

  • roll [stat] [protag] - Rolls a d20 die. Optional specify stat and Protag, in that order.

    • This command does not do anything by itself, but is frequently used in events.

  • image [protag] - Pulls the NFT image for your Protagonist. (Equivalent to usual "flex".)

  • levels [keyword] - Pulls a leaderboard. (Optional keywords: me, lessthan, afterrank.)


Some frequently-asked questions that tend to come up.

  1. Which race is the best?

    • We're not trying to be racist: they're all meant to be balanced, so just pick your favorite one.

  2. If I transfer (or sell) my Protagonist, do the levels transfer?

    • Yes.

  3. What about equipment?

    • No, it gets automatically unequipped.

  4. What is the benefit of having more than one Protagonist?

    • You get to solo once per Protag. There are also occasional small benefits for things like stat rolls. (In the theoretical future, you will probably be able to use up to 3 in combat.)

  5. Can I use two Protagonists of the same race?

    • Yes. However, the main difference is that referring to a Protagonist by race doesn't work as well. For example, if you had two Elves, protag elf will refer to the higher level Elf. Referring to the other Protagonist will require its ASA ID or name.

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