Solo Expeditions

Your First Adventure.™

The Premise

A Solo Expedition is a random daily adventure that your Protagonist can embark on, solo, to gain some adventuring experience and earn some cash.

Playing can be as simple as calling solo and following the prompts.

Command usage:

  • solo [protag] [direction]

    • e.g. solo - Initiates a Solo expedition for your default Protagonist

    • e.g. solo elf - Initiates an expedition for the specified Protagonist

    • e.g. solo elf north - Shortcut; chooses a direction to explore as well

  • solo auto [protag] - A quick version of a Solo. Features worse odds

Each Protagonist gets one Solo Expedition daily. This is currently the main benefit of owning several Protagonists.

Similarly, each player also gets a Weekly Expedition, for a 50% or more chance at 100 ARC. It is as simple as calling weekly, so it doesn't deserve its own page. (Check here for an explanation of its rolling mechanics.)

The Scenario

You are traveling alone down a wilderness road when, suddenly, a bear emerges on the path before you. It looks your way and seems to be evaluating you. What do you do?

  1. Stand your ground

  2. Draw your weapon and fight

  3. Try to appease it

You pick a Protagonist. The Protagonist chooses a cardinal direction (N, E, S, W) to explore. This leads to a scenario (e.g. being stared down by a bear). You make your choice, roll the dice, and hope for the best outcome.

Simple enough.

Read on if you want it to be less simple.

Choosing a Direction

Once you've chosen your Protag, you have to choose a direction: North, East, South, or West. No direction is inherently better than the other, but they do have different probability distributions for scenarios.

There are currently a total of 15 different scenarios that can be generated. Of those 15, 12 of them correspond to a race. (This means there is a race modifier for one of the choices, and a special ending. More on this later.)

These 'race' scenarios have a higher probability in the direction corresponding to the race's nation on the map. For example, going west has a higher probability (~15%) of getting the Elf scenario. 🧝 (Slightly higher; but you can get any scenario going in any direction due to random chance.)

Making Your Choice

Meanwhile, let's return to the bear scenario. You have three choices. Each one has an associated stat (strength/STR, dexterity/DEX, etc.) which gets rolled. It goes like this:

  • You pick choice 1, "Stand your ground." In the back end, this corresponds to the endurance (END) stat, since you are patiently standing your ground.

  • You roll a d20 dice, and add any modifiers to the result (e.g. +2 END will add +2). This choice happens to have a race modifier, so the correct race will get an additional +3.

  • Based on your result (e.g. d20 roll of 8 + 2 stat + 3 race = 13 result), you get a different ending: Bad, Okay, Good, or Bonus (race-only, available for select scenarios/choices).

  • The different endings give varying amounts of XP and CP (a Bad end actually loses CP). For nat20 rolls (i.e. a 20 before modifiers), the player receives50 ARC.

Solo Auto

The /solo auto command takes one Protag on a journey, makes the choices for you, and returns just the ending. It's slightly quicker, but note that the odds are systematically worse than if you were to choose wisely.

In short, the bot will choose a random direction to explore. Then, when faced with the scenario choices, the bot will generally choose the weakest stat. There are no penalties to the d20 roll.

And that's a wrap. May the odds be in your favor.

The Protagonist then goes on cooldown until midnight EST (UTC-5), at which point they can go on another run. (But I also heard eating pie is great for overcoming fatigue, and can allow a Protag to go on more than one expedition a one day. 🥧)

Last updated